Monday, October 22, 2012

How the Long Tail Kills the Whole Rat

Most of you don’t remember the Berlin Wall.  Chia Pets.  The real power rangers with colored uniforms based on their race.  The great 90’s, with Boy Bands and reality shows that still hired writers.  And an internet dominated by big businesses.  A time period when the coolest websites could only be found by the fortune 500 companies.  Heck, they were the only ones that could afford to hire the millions of code monkeys it took to make a website back then.

            But with the emergence of the new tech that’s made individual web creation possible, the long tail has done more than emerge, it’s begun to eat the entire rat.  New polls show that big businesses website are undergoing a major downturn in their online views.  It’s probably a mixture of distrust for the corporate man and a complete lack of user interaction.  Think about it.  If you want to find out about a new soft drink, you’re not going to go to the company’s website to be fed a load of propaganda and one sided viewpoints.  You’re going to go to Youtube and see what other people say about it, get it from a real person.

            The big question is what will happen.  Are big businesses looking at their own digital extinction  or will they grow thumbs and learn to adapt.   My horoscope sees a lot of corporations going the way of the Dodo bird as the rest struggle to grow legs and learn to walk.

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