Thursday, December 6, 2012

Code Monkeys at the Top of the Food Chain

I’ve been smacking my head against a wall for three hours trying to keep Frankenstein’s hand from modeling into a shovel.  It’s a coding problem:  a mountain of scripts and hieroglyphics that make almost no sense to me.  Hidden within these countless rows of symbols and phrases is my problem.

 I was shocked to find out 25% of computer science majors make over 100 thousands just starting out, with the rest following closely behind.  Now I’m ready to pay that just to have one of those code monkeys fix my problem.  Isn’t it bizarre that these programmers are nothing more than the construction workers for the digital world.  They’re not the one that comes up with the idea for the new app or program.  When we create a digital advertising campaign, all the concepts and the ideas come from our creative group.  Then we take them to the programmers and then take the ideas and put them on the interweb.  Yet for just being a construction worker, there making a heck of a lot more than their physical counterparts.  Don’t get me wrong, I know it takes a heck of a lot more training than I’m making it seem.  Still, class system that separate the idea men from the lowly builders is being rethought.

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