Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Catastrophy of Youtube

The Catastrophy of Youtube
       Another cat video flies across Youtube and I mentally gag on a virtual hairball.  It’s not just the ridiculously stupid look on these feline’s faces or the way my Rasputin of ex-girlfriend adored the creatures.  No, it’s what these seemingly harmless oversized rats flooding the pages of the internet represents – the devolution of hard work.  Think I’m crazy?  You’ve just been brainwashed by too many videos of fuzzy kittens hitchhiking on robot vacuums to see the light, I’ll explain.  Recently, one of the advertising studios I keep tabs on stated they were no longer doing advertising, but “catvertising”. 

Of course the video they produced was a clever joke meant to ride the pop culture wake that cat videos have been putting out.  Still, the execution of the video is hilarious, a great representation of both imagination and thousands of hours of hard work.  And yet, its total amount of views peaks just under 2 million.  Compare this now with the famous “stalking cat” or “ninja cat” video that boast an insane 35 million views.  This video took (even assuming the cat had to be trained) little more than a couple hours and less imagination most people have in their pinky toe.  The internet might fuel the passions of hardworking individuals, but has created a hideous feline of a Frankenstein to destroy them as well.

1 comment:

  1. I like your style. Also I like the background of your blog. I would like to shed the banal and upgrade to something more creative.
